Travel Reports from over 50 Countries
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#TravelTips for Overnight Trains: Sleeping, Hygience and Food
A night on a train can be relaxing but also stressful, depending on exactly where you sleep. I’ve put...

#5 How my World Trip really Started
I had already been on the road for an entire week, but it somehow didn’t feel like traveling. First,...

#4 My last days in Germany
About ten years ago, the first destination of my world trip was Bonn – from 1949 to 1990 Bonn...

#3 I wanted to travel the world – How come?
Ten years ago, I made an important and life-changing decision: I’ll travel the world – alone. I made this...

#2 The video and the accident
Sometimes in life, you have to live the lowest of lows. It seems as if you cannot fall any...

#1 58 Performance Points and False Expectations
In my last post, I wrote about my personal struggle with blogging, identity, and expectations of others. On my...

#0 Reboot – Sometimes I don’t know who I am
If you look at the last post before this one, you will see that it has been over a...

From Japan to Germany: A Frozen Bay in Vladisvostok
In this article of my series “Japan to Germany” I tell you about a day full of ice and...

From Japan to Germany: Tokyo > Vladivostok
In this article, I will tell about the first stage of my journey from Tokyo in Japan to Kaiserslautern...

From Japan to Germany: 12.000km by Train
My time in Japan is drawing to a close and in about 3.5 weeks I’ll start my return trip....

The Bakepacker Cake
It might sound a little silly but from time to time I really love to eat some cake. Of...

Are we the only backpackers here? Backpacking on Antigua and St. Kitts
Recently I had the opportunity to spend over two weeks in the beautiful Caribbean on Antigua, St. Kitts and...
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E-Visa for Myanmar
I will travel to Myanmar in January and as you all probably know, a visa is needed for that....

Imprinting museum visits in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Visiting this two cities I realized what those “droppings” are really meaning. Almost everything around me had to be...

Enlightenment in Nara
While planning a trip to Japan you definitely hear about Nara. Japans ancient capital is famous for it’s old...

What’s the next step? My blog and Youtube
Lately I’ve received a lot of messages with the question why the blog has become so “quiet”. Therefore, I’m...

My Top 7 of Mount Fuji Pictures
During my time in Japan I took a lot of pictures of Mount Fuji – Japan’s highest mountain. This...

Autumn in Japan: A trip to Hakone
Autumn is coming in Japan and during that time viewing autumn leaves is as popular as cherry blossoms in...

[Erasmus+] Es runāju latviski – 3 weeks of intensive Latvian language class
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Are we the only backpackers here? Backpacking on Antigua and St. Kitts
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[Myanmar Special] Day 2 in Yangon: The National Museum
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Border control on French-German border
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