8 Backpacker Hostel Tips
Hostels are among the cheapest accommodations. Shared bedrooms are often the cheapest accommodation for backpackers, but there are a few aspects that you should consider when searching. In this article, I show you 8...
On the road / On the Road / Tips and Info
by Alise · Published March 10, 2019 · Last modified June 28, 2019
Hostels are among the cheapest accommodations. Shared bedrooms are often the cheapest accommodation for backpackers, but there are a few aspects that you should consider when searching. In this article, I show you 8...
As a backpacker, you often have as little as possible with you and after a quite short period of time, everything is dirty, stinks and has to be washed. On the way, it is...
Glasgow, UK
Asia / Europe / Travel Reports / World Trip
78 hours later – The end of a long train ride
July 5, 2012