Border control on French-German border
After the tragic terror attacks in Paris France temporarily re-introduced border controls. As I travel to France quite frequently to go shopping because my parents life quite close I experienced the first “real” border control within my life time in Europe. During that time I got too busy to write a post but I think it’s okay to
post it right now although I know that it’s kind of late.
Crossing the border was surprisingly unspecial. I crossed the border by car like it was any other day.
The actual border control was a little behind the crossing. The autobahn had been cordoned so that only one lane was left. The other lane had a tent on them. At first it felt like a tiny traffic jam.
Finally, I had to stop next to the tent and some officer looked into my car and I was free to go. That probably has been the point where it was decided whether a car was searched.
Going back to Germany felt very similar. The German officers appeared a little stricter, probably because they obviously had rifles.
Although I haven’t had any inconvenience, I felt a little sad. Europe and its Schengen agreement is something very precious. Border crossings in other countries with controls like Costa Rica-Nicaragua take much longer and are way more stressful.
Don’t Panic!