Category: Other

From Japan to Germany: 12.000km by Train

My time in Japan is drawing to a close and in about 3.5 weeks I’ll start my return trip. Eight years ago I traveled with the Transsib, lots of other trains, buses and even...

What’s the next step? My blog and Youtube

Lately I’ve received a lot of messages with the question why the blog has become so “quiet”. Therefore, I’m giving you a short update about Backpacker’s Guide to the World and the new Youtube...

What’s up in 2016?

It took a while but finally I’ve made a few travel plans for this year. During the semester and “holidays” (well I had to write exams…) there just hadn’t been enough time. So in...

Oh Alise, where have you been?

Here is the highly requested “Visited Map”, which is a map showing all my traveled countries until October 2015. A more up to date version can be found in the footer. All in all...

Where is Merlin?

Merlin my “friend” had already been introduced in this post. During all my trips I collected to many pictures of him, this is the collection of my favourite 42 pictures. Don’t Panic!

Backpacker’s Guide to the World – Why?

From early age on I always enjoyed travelling. Like many of you too I dreamed from faraway places. And for a long time everything was limited to dreams I had and plans I made...

Hello World

This is just a little tiny content-less hello to open my travel blog 🙂 Don’t Panic!